

  • Python 3.8+

  • tox


Install the lpci project in editable mode inside a virtualenv environment named venv.

$ tox --devenv venv
$ venv/bin/lpci --help  # Alternatively, you can activate the virtualenv environment.

List the tox environments available for this project.

$ tox -lv
default environments:
lint     -> run linters
mypy     -> run static type checker
py38     -> run test suite
py39     -> run test suite
py310    -> run test suite
py311    -> run test suite
coverage -> generate coverage report

Run the project’s tests.

$ tox -e py38  #  You can replace ``py38`` with another Python version.

Since tox uses pytest under the hood to run the tests, arguments can be passed to pytest.

$ tox -e py38 -- lpci/commands/tests/
$ tox -e py38 -- -k test_missing_config_file
$ tox -e py39 -- --lf

Run the tests with coverage.

$ tox -e coverage

Run the linters.

$ tox -e lint

We also support running linters via pre-commit. If you want pre-commit to run automatically on git commit, you need to run pre-commit install once.

Run the mypy static type checker.

$ tox -e mypy

Update the requirements and regenerate requirements.txt.

$ <modify>
$ tox -e pip-compile

Build the documentation locally.

$ tox -e docs


In order to update the project’s documentation online, after having pushed your changes to the repository, you need to trigger a manual build on the project’s dashboard on